BizMaster – Consulting Business HTML Template – BizMaster is a clean professional Consulting Business HTML Template that fits all kinds of Corporate Business, Consulting Business, Branding Agency, Financial and Marketing Business, etc websites. It has been built with Bootstrap 5 and SCSS technology so you can easily use it on any device and can change color/font etc globally. BizMaster comes with awesome demo home pages and well-organized 17+ Inner Templates. All Files are well organized and you can customize them very easily.
It is a clean, creative, and professional business, finance, and corporate design. It is based Bootstrap 5 grid. So It will work fine on any device without any issues.
This Html template can be easily customized – each Html file is carefully layered and contains an overview of the hierarchy of groups and layers for easy access. You can easily replace any picture by your own one in just a few clicks
Template Features of BizMaster – Consulting Business HTML Template free
*Beautifully Designed Unique Home Pages
*Clean Design
*Full Responsive and most advanced UI
*Beautifully Color
*Free Google Fonts
*SASS File Included
*100% pixel perfect design
*Clean and Simple Style
*Smooth transition effects.
*Cross Browser Optimization.
*Google font.
*Compatible Browsers – IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox
*Documentation – Yes
*License – GPL
*Version – 1.0.0
*Columns – 4
*Files Included – Html5, JS, CSS3
*User Friendly Code
*W3C Validation
*Clean & Modern Design
*CSS3 animations
*Full Responsive
*SEO friendly code
*Easily customize
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